LASTIES - Not everything that looks frightening will hurt you. And sometimes  
the reward for jumping past the obstacles is a nice hot donut!


Moon Jellyfish are these transparent creatures prevalent in warm waters this time of the year. As I ran the beach this morning (clarification: Strained  to run), I came upon this crazy obstacle course of Moon Jellies washed up everywhere.To my knowledge they are not particular harmful to humans as they feed mostly on zoo plankton. Still, I wasn’t about to test the science on this one.

Just note:

1. Transparent things can sting, despite what you’ve heard.

2. A beach full of jellyfish shouldn’t keep you from your run (goal), strained or not.

3. Watch where you go, adjust accordingly (dodge, jump, skip, hop) and remember if you run early and often, you’ll get there first and in better shape than most.

And you’ll beat the line at the donut shop when the donuts are nice and hot.

Did I say that?

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal”. – Henry  Ford

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