www.dogandabeer.comThe power of having an awesome day is in your mind

I need a reminder every day to walk the line, follow the path…whatever it is I resolved or promised myself to do this year. I made it simple for myself.

1. Stop
2. Take a Breath
3. Be Awesome Today**

Being awesome is not walking around with your chest puffed out and thinking your shit doesn’t stink.

The goal behind ‪#‎BFAT‬ (Be F—–g Awesome Today) is to create a mindset to stay focused TODAY, in this MOMENT and see the greatness in you.

When I think big and broad my mind gets confused. And I’ve learned a confused mind does NOTHING! It usually leads to a box of chocolate or a bottle of wine, or both. Not saying that’s a bad thing but it hinders your journey.

Stop what you’re doing. Take a deep cleansing breath. Don’t forget to exhale. I forget that part. Focus on ONE THING, just ONE, to move in the direction of your desires.

That one thing equals being Awesome today.




One Thought on “3 Simple Steps to Your Awesome Day

  1. Yep. It’s going to be an awesome day. I can feel it.
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