Where are you most creative?

Woman Relaxing In Bubble Filled BathI have heard that the #1 place to spark creativity is in the bathroom. Is this really true? Sorry to share, but I admit to having had some interesting revelations in the smallest room in my house. You?

Here are five other places where great thoughts and inspiration might take place:

  1. On the toilet

Okay, it’s a specific place in the bathroom. And you are alone with your thoughts. Hopefully. You’re  “eliminating”, “cleaning out” so to speak…just don’t let it go until you’ve got that innovative thought or breakthrough in your brain. Could scribbling on toilet paper become the new “back of the envelope”?

  1. Driving in the car

Hopefully not at the expense of being an alert driver. How many times have you cruised down a stretch of highway only to realize miles have gone by without you? But you’ve come up with a great idea or a solution to a problem. Free candy to the person who finds a creative way to stop texting and driving.

  1. Taking a shower or bath

It’s warm and cozy. Your mind wanders. You feel relaxed. Write the thought on the steamed up door before you rinse off.

  1. On a walk or run or workout

A runner’s or walker’s “high” is well known. You can run or walk for miles yet your body and mind go off in different directions. If you’re listening to music via your smartphone, flick on a voice messenger app to remind yourself of it later, when you’re nursing those aching feet.

  1. Reading a book

The place where you read a book may trigger creativity. It could be at the beach, a comfy chair, on a plane. Drama, tragedy or mystery…sometimes your mind wanders off the page. Similar to driving for miles unaware, you read page after page only to wake up and wonder who done it?  You don’t care because you’ve just have the most remarkable idea!

Where are the places that help jump-start your creativity?


One Thought on “5 Places to Jump-start Your Creativity (without even trying)

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